Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bone marrow, Biscoff cookies and my husband

So I'm on a plane heading to California. The why will come in just a minute. When I travel I have to take Dramamine. I get sick if I don't. And anyone whose ever took the stuff knows that it makes you sleepy. I usually try to hover in that half awake state for a very special reason.

 Delta Biscoff Cookies

I really want those cookies. However, on this trip I am feeling rather unwell due to a cold and didn't wake up. When the plane landed I woke and murmured something about how I missed my cookies. My sweet husband hands me a package and smiles. He saved me some. 

Now that's's about the small things. He is amazing when it comes to the small things especially. 

However, our trip to California isn't about a small thing. But a rather huge benevolent act. Please don't think this a blog post for attention. It's about the benevolent example of love my husband is for me from the small acts of kindness to the huge acts of service. From his time as Executive Director of the Boys and Girls Club of Magic Valley where he motivate not only youth but adults as well. To his gift of life an health to a total stranger according to society. But, a brother in the eyes of God.

Why we are in California

Recently he found out that he was a bone marrow match for a 16 yr old boy in Southern California. The boy doesn’t need his bone marrow - he needs his stem cells from his blood. We left on Friday for Sam (my husband) to receive 4 days of injections that are going to make him very sick. Then on the 5th day he will have an iv in one arm taking his blood and putting it back in on the other arm. It will take approximately 8 hours. They will take his blood 3 times over.

If he doesn't do this the boy will die.

It is his last hope.

What I love about my husband is that he gets nothing out of this expect the satisfaction of doing the right thing and giving to someone else. I feel so lucky to be married to him. I couldn’t imagine my life without him.                  


  1. You definitely have a keeper. Take good care of him, and thanks for sharing.

  2. Amazing, Kristi. You and Sam and kids are in my thoughts and prayers. Love to you all ~ Lorie

  3. Love you guys! Safe travel and God bless both of you! ... Crams

  4. Travel well,it's a great thing Sam is doing .
