Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Dangers of Being a Stay at Home Mom

The Dangers of Being a Stay-at-Home Mom

We all have dreams of what it will be like to be a “Mom.”  We can’t wait to hold our new little one in our arms…  to love them, bathe them, feed them, raise them.  Remember the first time you held your baby and what you thought?  There  you are, most likely in the hospital, and the nurse sets your precious one in your arms.  It is such a precious moment – one you will never forget.  But then . . . . you get them home.  The feeding, pooping, puking, crying… it doesn’t stop.  It is nothing you could  ever imagine. 

Hear me… It’s not that you stop loving them or wish you didn’t have them.   It is just way more challenging than one could ever imagine.  I remember after my kids were born looking forward to the day I could get caught up on my sleep!  Or, wear an outfit without snot smeared across my shoulder or baby spit-up smell on me.  You survive the infancy months and you find yourself dreaming of the time they sleep through the night, the day they get out of diapers, and that day they go to school so you might have a moment to yourself.  These are things we all think of, but at times, are afraid to admit. 

The truth is, you would never change your life because you love what you have.  Its just that there were some things you could never anticipate.  Like . . . the “danger” of being a stay-at-home mom.  I’m guessing the idea of “danger” never entered your mind when you thought about being at home with your child.  I truly believe that being a stay-at-home mom is a noble calling.  But then, it becomes your life... and, well… it’s not what you totally expected.  There is no time to yourself.  Nothing ever stops.  Getting a shower becomes one of your greatest challenges.  You struggle feeling like a maid more than a mom.  You feel under appreciated.  You feel like what you contribute isn’t as important as what your husband does because he brings home the paycheck.  Over time, you slowly feel like you are losing who you are. 

The challenge is, there is no way to measure or determine if you are successful or being good at what you do. How could you?  It isn’t until our kids move out and go on to have a successful life that we learn if our effort made a difference.  That is a long way away.  In the meantime, you are forced to live with the myriad of feelings that a stay-at-home Mom deals with… and those feelings are intense, challenging, important, and often-times, overwhelming.

There are real and serious dangers to being a stay-at-home Mom.  I want you to know you are not alone!  There are tools I want to give you to confront those dangers and allow you to be the best at what you do.  Please join me for my next webinar, “The Dangers of Being a SuperMom,” March 20th at 6 pm or March 21st at 10am Mountain time.  You won’t want to miss it… And… You deserve it!  

Webinar Details

1. This time there is a $10.00 attendance fee that can be paid securely through PayPal.
2. Use the button provided below to pay. Once your payment has cleared a registration page will appear. If it doesn't please email me and let me know at kristi@find-my-way.com
3.On this page there are easy step by step instructions about how to register and sign up for the event. 

Tuesday March 20, 2012 @ 6PM MST

Wednesday March 21, 2012 @10 AM MST

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